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Meredith's Peruvian Adventures

Study Abroad 2019

Welcome to Meredith's Peruvian Adventures, a collection of my photos and stories from my study abroad program.

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Tuesday (Mar. 12)

More Quechua! Today we learned family terms, so I can give a very basic description of my family members. In Spanish, we each pulled...

Monday (Mar. 11)

Back to the grind, today we had Quechua, history, and methodology & ethics classes. Quechua class rapidly expanded our vocabulary of...

Sunday (Mar. 10)

After breakfast at the hotel, we took the bus up to Machu Picchu, where our same friendly guide from the day before explained the history...

Saturday (Mar. 9)

This morning was painfully early, even for me. I got up at 4:45 am and packed a small bag for our Machu Picchu adventure, and we all left...

Friday (Mar. 8)

We started off International Women’s Day by visiting a small girls’ boarding school in the outskirts of Ollantaytambo to learn about some...

Thursday (Mar. 7)

Today began a 4-day long “educative excursion” which would include hiking part of the famous Camino Inka and visiting Machu Picchu....

Wednesday (Mar. 6)

During today’s class, I was able to further my Quechua abilities (I can now additionally sing a song about a little dove and a little...

Tuesday (Mar. 5)

Today was our first day of Spanish and Quechua classes, which I thoroughly enjoyed (much more than the history and anthro classes). We...

Monday (Mar. 4)

This was our first real day of classes, which will be from 8:30 am to 2:30 pm. I only thought I was done with high school (but at least a...

Saturday-Sunday (Mar. 2-3)

These were possibly the two longest days of my life, as my new Peruvian SIM card did not include internet access and my host family...

Friday (Mar. 1)

Today we moved in with our host families. I was at first rather apprehensive, given the effusive nature of the welcome letter my host...

Thursday (Feb. 28)

We began the day with an activity called “Drop Off”-- we were placed into random groups of 4 and sent with a sort of scavenger hunt list....

Tuesday-Wednesday (Feb. 26-27)

As we learned more about the program and Peruvian customs, we finally recovered from the stress of traveling and began to get to know one...

Sunday-Monday (Feb. 24-25)

I left home at 6:30 am (my kind friend Mandy drove me to the airport then, bless her heart) and proceeded to spend a miserable 28 hours...

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